Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What is 'opposite' the opposite of?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Between pictures of waves
between linear,
and poly referential
you don’t look like a Polly--

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Chez Cheese
loss of enthusiasm for the familiar does present some interesting

You are with your life that you do not understand but are eager to accompany, like being on your own for the first time with a grandparent. Sudden wind pushing the smell of creosote, we catch the number 3 like this, to visit uncle Matt. This is squash soup that your aunt makes.

how fast were you talking at the time of the conversation? could you see my point coming? did you have the right to proceed when I interrupted you? do you have witnesses? I was getting at something, and you completely re-framed what I was saying. I’m calling my atty.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

HEY NOW ! ! ! . . ! !

Did you know that if you tap/slap "shave and a haircut... two bits," and repeatedly... get the rhythm going good.....

and then remove the "and" and "hair," you get a New Orleans street beat.

Shave, hair, cut. two bits. boppity boppity bop, bop bop.


Sunday, March 30, 2008


high school mystics in a basement with a bong

humans thinking they are inside themselves is understandable, containment is everywhere, cell components inside cell components inside cells forming boundaries containing other cells that do other things containing other things, and so on – so a human would ask, "why wouldn’t I be inside me?"

life is life, for one reason because it is moving – how can life be still? If life was a statue it’d be dead, it wouldn’t be life

poem stuff: the baggage of having archetypes in your household. The warrior’s grandmother moves in with him, cooks foul smelling cabbage stuff, your king and his relatives who are always hogging the bathroom, the creative’s drunk friends, etc –

actor’s coaching in reverse: ‘busting’ affectations

No, I didn’t say I was officially here… I said I was officially here-ha-ha.

Big difference.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

It looks like you are writing a poem.
Would you like help?
Get help with writing the poem
Just type the poem without help
cancel blink wink

It looks like you are making cornbread!
Choose ingredients
Number of guests
Can I have some?


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Useless or just terrible business ideas for 2008:

Yak egg nog
adult toy rental
campground bellhop
Unclaimed Dentures
telephone acupuncture
Satan's Pancake House
email scribe
guided skyscraper stairwell tours
Sardine Gelato
the Feetza

he who he whos, who's he, whoing?
whoing who, who'll, who'd, whos!
who’s he?
he is whod!

then, who'll who?
he who, whod, whos...? He?
He who is who's who'd, who’d… who whos?

better to ask who's who yet unknown.
who's who, who'd who unknown?
is he that? HIM?
then, who is he?


Saturday, January 5, 2008