Thursday, January 10, 2008

Useless or just terrible business ideas for 2008:

Yak egg nog
adult toy rental
campground bellhop
Unclaimed Dentures
telephone acupuncture
Satan's Pancake House
email scribe
guided skyscraper stairwell tours
Sardine Gelato
the Feetza

he who he whos, who's he, whoing?
whoing who, who'll, who'd, whos!
who’s he?
he is whod!

then, who'll who?
he who, whod, whos...? He?
He who is who's who'd, who’d… who whos?

better to ask who's who yet unknown.
who's who, who'd who unknown?
is he that? HIM?
then, who is he?


Saturday, January 5, 2008